Magazine of Natural History and Journal of Zoology, v. 3 (1830), Page 369, ASC0000gnk
posted on 2023-02-07, 12:10 authored by Science Gossip‘Science Gossip’ is born from a collaboration between an Arts and Humanities Research Council project in the UK, called ‘Constructing Scientific Communities: Citizen Science in the 19th and 21st Centuries’ (ConSciCom) and the Missouri Botanical Garden who are providing content from the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL).
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Magazine of Natural History and Journal of ZoologyYear
v. 3 (1830)Page
Page 369Species
Coordinates: [164, 854, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "common"=>["wolf tooth", "Wolf", "wolf"], "scientific"=>[""]; Coordinates: [389, 856, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "common"=>["tiger tooth", "blank", "tiger", "Tiger"], "scientific"=>["", "blank"]; Coordinates: [598, 861, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "common"=>["hyena tooth", "Hyena", "hyena", "Hyaena", "hyaena"], "scientific"=>[""]Inscription
Coordinates: [418, 730, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "text"=>["b", "a", "95; c", "95", "c", "a,Molar tooth of wolf. b,molar tooth of tiger.c,molar tooth of hyaena.From Kirkdale cave."]; Coordinates: [330, 1013, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "text"=>["a, molar tooth of wolf; b, molar tooth of tiger; c,molar tooth of hyena. From Kirkdale cave.", "b, molar tooth of tiger", "c, molar tooth of hyaena", "Molar tooth of tiger", "Molar tooth of hyena", "Molar tooth of wolf", "From Kirkdale cave", "Fig. 95a, Molar tooth of wolf; b, molar tooth of tiger; c,molar tooth of hyaena. From Kirkdale cave.", "a, Molar tooth of wolf", "a, Molar tooth of wolf; b, molar tooth of tiger; c, molar tooth of hyaena. From Kirkdale cave. "]Drawing
Coordinates: [0, 0, 85, 721, 192, 268], Details: "keywords"=>["molar tooth", "wolf", "tiger", "hyena", "Molar tooth of wolf", "trident", "extinct species from Kirkdale cave", "zoology", "tooth", "molar", "carnivora", "island", "extinct", "cave"]; Coordinates: [0, 0, 306, 716, 178, 283], Details: "keywords"=>["Molar tooth of tiger", "extinct species from Kirkdale cave", "zoology", "tooth", "molar", "tiger", "extinct", "cave"]; Coordinates: [0, 0, 500, 728, 198, 264], Details: "keywords"=>["Molar tooth of hyena", "extinct species from Kirkdale cave", "zoology", "tooth", "molar", "hyena", "extinct", "hyaena", "cave"]; Coordinates: [0, 0, 63, 702, 671, 326], Details: "keywords"=>["molar", "tooth", "wolf", "tiger", "hyena", "fossils", "carnivores", "extinct species", "animal", "carnivors", "fossil", "carnivore", "molar Kirkdale cave wolf tooth tiger tooth hyena tooth", "molar tooth", "Kirkdale cave", "carnivorous", "paleontology", "vertebrates", "geology", "teeth", "extinct mammals", "antediluvian.", "fossil teeth", "Carnivora", "Kirkdale Cave", "Molar teeth", "hyaena"]PageID
32950295Classification No
15Image Scale
0.360825Usage metrics
molar toothwolftigerhyenamolartoothfossilscarnivoresextinct speciesanimalcarnivorsTeeth found in limestone and sandstonefossilcarnivoreMolar tooth of wolftridentextinct species from Kirkdale caveMolar tooth of tigerMolar tooth of hyenamolar Kirkdale cave wolf tooth tiger tooth hyena toothKirkdale cavecarnivorouszoologypaleontologyvertebratesgeologyteethextinct mammalsantediluvian.fossil teethCarnivoraKirkdale CaveMolar teethhyaenacarnivoraislandextinctcave
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