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Magazine of Natural History and Journal of Zoology, v. 1 (1829), Page 167, ASC0000hlz
posted on 2023-02-07, 12:09 authored by Science Gossip‘Science Gossip’ is born from a collaboration between an Arts and Humanities Research Council project in the UK, called ‘Constructing Scientific Communities: Citizen Science in the 19th and 21st Centuries’ (ConSciCom) and the Missouri Botanical Garden who are providing content from the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL).
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Magazine of Natural History and Journal of ZoologyYear
v. 1 (1829)Page
Page 167Species
Coordinates: [582, 326, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "common"=>[""], "scientific"=>["Sempervivum tabulaeforme", "Sempervìvum tabulæfóme", "Isopogon anename", "Sempervivum tabulaefórme"]; Coordinates: [147, 362, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "common"=>["", "Isopògon anemonifolius", "Digitalis", "Isopogon"], "scientific"=>["Isopogon anemonifolius", "", "anemonifolius", "Isopógon anemonifólius"]; Coordinates: [171, 858, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "common"=>["", "Leucopogon"], "scientific"=>["Leucopogon lanceolatus", "Lancellàtus", "", "Leucopogon", "lanceolàtus"]; Coordinates: [610, 1141, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "common"=>["", "Flora Austalasica"], "scientific"=>["Bossiaea ensata", "Lòteæ Genísteæ", "Loteae Genisteae", "", "Leg. Pap. Loteae Genisteae", "Lòtae Genisteae", "Loteae genisteae"]Inscription
Coordinates: [180, 941, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "text"=>["a", "b", "g", "f", "d", "c", "h", "i", "k", "l", "m", "e", "75"]Drawing
Coordinates: [0, 0, 46, 234, 252, 287], Details: "keywords"=>["plant", "Greenhouse shrub", "dwarf", "summer flowering", "free flowering", "Shrub", "bulbous", "thin straightleaves", "flora", "botanical", "flower", "plants", "flowers", "ornamental", "shrub", "Botany ", "Sempervivum Tabulaforme", "botanic", "Australia"]; Coordinates: [0, 0, 436, 104, 301, 531], Details: "keywords"=>["plant", "Succulent", "succulent", "handsome", "bulbous", "flora", "botanical", "flower", "ornamental", "Botany ", "Isopogon anemonifolius", "plants"]; Coordinates: [0, 0, 45, 729, 243, 333], Details: "keywords"=>["plant", "Small branching", "upright", "evergreen", "slender smooth branches", "well covered in leaves", "leaves alternat", "sessile", "linearly or narrowly lanceolate acute", "not mucronate", "flat", "generally 3 nerved", "largest 5 nerved", "striated", "numerous pale green lines on upper side", "slightly glaucous underneath", "white flowers", "sweet scented", "penduncles smooth purple", "bractes smooth ovate", "evergreen shrub", "slender", "leave", "scented", "flora", "botanical", "flower", "bud", "seed", "shrub", "flowers", "Botany ", "Leucopogon lanceolatus"]; Coordinates: [0, 0, 514, 964, 218, 342], Details: "keywords"=>["plant", "Flat branched", "flat-branched plant", "flora", "botanical", "leaf", "flower", "flowers", "Botany", "Leg.Pap.Loteae Genisteae"]PageID
2259221Classification No
16Image Scale
0.360268Usage metrics
plantGreenhouse shrubdwarfsummer floweringfree floweringSucculentSmall branchinguprightevergreenslender smooth brancheswell covered in leavesleaves alternatsessilelinearly or narrowly lanceolate acutenot mucronateflatgenerally 3 nervedlargest 5 nervedstriatednumerous pale green lines on upper sideslightly glaucous underneathwhite flowerssweet scentedpenduncles smooth purplebractes smooth ovateFlat branchedplantsshrubsflowersShrubbulbousthin straightleavessucculenthandsomeevergreen shrubslenderleavescentedflat-branched plantflorabotanicalflowerbudseedleafornamentalshrubBotanySempervivum TabulaformeIsopogon anemonifoliusLeucopogon lanceolatusLeg.Pap.Loteae GenisteaebotanicAustralia
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