University of Oxford

Magazine of Natural History and Journal of Zoology, n.s. v. 1 (1837), Page 476, ASC000087k

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posted on 2023-02-07, 12:11 authored by Science Gossip
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Magazine of Natural History and Journal of Zoology




n.s. v. 1 (1837)


Page 476


Coordinates: [697, 595, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "common"=>["", "Dead man's fingers", "Coral", "blank"], "scientific"=>["Alcyonium", "Alcyonium digitatum", "Alcyolnium", "blank"]


Coordinates: [364, 579, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "text"=>["a", "b", "c", "d", "The polype expanded and floating in its membranous tube", "The animal as it appears in the tube, showing only a side view.(There are eight feet, as well as eight feelers: only three seen)", "a, The cell magnified. b, The polype expanded and floating in its membranous tube. c, The animal as it appears in the tube, showing only a side view. (There are eight feet, as well as eight feelers: only three seen.) d, The animal with its feelers expanded. e, Front view of the animal. f, Ditto with the feelers at their utmost elongation. g, A representation of the Alcyonium, as seen alive, and of its natural size.", "a, The cell magnified. b, The polype expanded and floating in its membranous tube. c, The animal as it appears in the tube, showing only a side view. (There are eight feet, as well as eight feelers: only three seen.) d, The animal with its feelers expanded. e, Front view of the animal. f, Ditto with the feelers at their utmost elongation. g, A representation of the Alcyonium, as seen alive, and of its natural size.", "The animal with its feelers expanded", "Front view of the animal", "e", "57", "f", "Ditto with the feelers at their utmost elongation", "g", "Natural size.", "A representation of the Alcyonium, as seen alive, and of its natural size.", "a, The cell magnified. b, The polype expanded and floating in its membranous tube. c, The animal as it appears in th etube, showing only a side view. (There are eight feet, as well as eight feelers; only three seen.) d, The animal with its feelers expended. c, Front view of the animal. f, Ditto with the feelers at their utmost elongation. g, A representation of the Alcyonium, as seen alive, and of its natural size. "]


Coordinates: [0, 0, 35, 431, 719, 276], Details: "keywords"=>["Cell", "Membranous", "Polypes", "Alcyonium", "polyp", "ocean", "zoophyte", "coral", "fossil", "alcyonium", "microscopic view", "marine life", "zoology", "polype alcyolnium coral fossil", "cell ", "fossils"]; Coordinates: [0, 0, 195, 469, 65, 173], Details: "keywords"=>[]



Classification No


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