Hardwicke Science Gossip, v. 9 (1873), Page 85, ASC00002mp
Version 2 2023-02-13, 15:42Version 2 2023-02-13, 15:42
Version 1 2023-02-06, 17:20Version 1 2023-02-06, 17:20
posted on 2023-02-13, 15:42 authored by Science Gossip‘Science Gossip’ is born from a collaboration between an Arts and Humanities Research Council project in the UK, called ‘Constructing Scientific Communities: Citizen Science in the 19th and 21st Centuries’ (ConSciCom) and the Missouri Botanical Garden who are providing content from the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL).
Constructing Scientific Communities: Citizen Science in the 19th and 21st Centuries
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Hardwicke Science GossipYear
v. 9 (1873)Page
Page 85Species
Coordinates: [171, 698, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "common"=>[""], "scientific"=>["Acroculia haliotis", "Marsupio-crinites caelatus"]; Coordinates: [246, 1104, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "common"=>["", "starfish (fossil)", "Starfish (fossil)"], "scientific"=>["Protaster miltoni", "Palaeocoma marstoni", "Protaster Miltoni", "Palaeocoma Marstoni", "Palaeocoma colvini", "Protaster Colvini", "Marsupio-crinites cealatus"]; Coordinates: [416, 667, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "common"=>[""], "scientific"=>["Crotalo-crinus rugosus", "Crotalocrinus rugosus"]Drawing
Coordinates: [0, 0, 26, 169, 836, 237], Details: "keywords"=>["cambrian", "grits", "slates", "flags", "lingula", "dykes", "bedding", "sandstone", "ashes", "volcanic", "fossiliferousl felspathic", "geology", "strata", "snowdon", "purple grits", "lower cardoc beds", "section across Snowdon Range", "cambrian grey", "purple grits and slates", "dislocated", "Lingula flags faulted", "llandeilo", "dark grey", "traversed by eruptive dykes", "bluish-grey and brownish sandstone", "lower Caradoc beds", "felspathic ashes", "volcanic grit", "upper part of the Caradoc", "Bala", "fossiliferous", "calcareous", "fossil", "palaeontology", "section", "Snowdown Range", "geology ", "snowdon range", "cross section"]; Coordinates: [0, 0, 30, 430, 489, 526], Details: "keywords"=>["marsupiocrinites caelatus", "arms", "proboscis", "shell", "pelvis", "stomach", "fingers", "fossils", "crinoid", "Marsupio-crinites caelatus", "magnified", "base of the arms", "inserted in the shell", "acroculia haliotis", "reduced", "crotalo-crinus rugosus", "bag-like cluster of arms surrounding the small round pelvis", "latter of natural size", "stomach-plates stripped off", "showing base of many-fingered arms", "flat stomachal surface", "branching of the arms", "reticulated congeries of fingers", "joint being anchylosed to its neighbour", "biology", "fossil", "Probocis", "cealatus "]; Coordinates: [0, 0, 41, 990, 395, 356], Details: "keywords"=>["fossil", "star-fish", "protaster miltoni", "ophiuridae", "plates", "portion", "protaster", "palaeocoma marstoni", "palaeocoma colvini", "palmipes", "pteraster", "star fish", "fossil starfish", "lower ludlow rocks", "protaster milton", "form of Ophiuridae", "numerous plates", "small portion of a Protaster", "magnified", "colvini", "allied to palmipes and pteraster", "biology", "palaeontology", "Star-fish", "Lower Ludlow Rocks", "Orphiuridae ", "fossils", "starfish"]PageID
1677904Classification No
8Image Scale
0.387597Usage metrics
cambriangritsslatesflagslinguladykesbeddingsandstoneashesvolcanicfossiliferousl felspathicmarsupiocrinites caelatusarmsproboscisshellpelvisstomachfingersfossilstar-fishprotaster miltoniophiuridaeplatesportionprotasterpalaeocoma marstonipalaeocoma colvinipalmipespterastergeologystratasnowdonpurple gritslower cardoc bedsfossilscrinoidstar fishsection across Snowdon Rangecambrian greypurple grits and slatesdislocatedLingula flags faultedllandeilodark greytraversed by eruptive dykesbluish-grey and brownish sandstonelower Caradoc bedsfelspathic ashesvolcanic gritupper part of the CaradocBalafossiliferouscalcareouspalaeontologyMarsupio-crinites caelatusmagnifiedbase of the armsinserted in the shellacroculia haliotisreducedcrotalo-crinus rugosusbag-like cluster of arms surrounding the small round pelvislatter of natural sizestomach-plates stripped offshowing base of many-fingered armsflat stomachal surfacebranching of the armsreticulated congeries of fingersjoint being anchylosed to its neighbourbiologyfossil starfishlower ludlow rocksprotaster miltonform of Ophiuridaenumerous platessmall portion of a Protastercolviniallied to palmipes and pterastersectionSnowdown RangeProbociscealatusStar-fishLower Ludlow RocksOrphiuridaesnowdon rangecross sectionstarfish
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