University of Oxford

Hardwicke Science Gossip, v. 24 (1888), Page 12, ASC00000uz

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posted on 2023-02-06, 17:22 authored by Science Gossip
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Hardwicke Science Gossip




v. 24 (1888)


Page 12


Coordinates: [725, 489, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "common"=>["", "blank", "Leaf", "Toothwort", "Scale leaves"], "scientific"=>["L. squamaria", "Lathraea Squamaria", "blank", "", "Lathraea squamaria", "L.squamaria"]; Coordinates: [692, 794, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "common"=>["", "Leaf", "Toothwort"], "scientific"=>["L. squamaria", "Lathraea Squamaria", "", "Lathraea squamaria", "Squamaria"]


Coordinates: [878, 502, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "text"=>["Transverse section of a fully-developed scale, showing arrangement of cavities and vascular tissue", "Fig 6 - Transverse section of a fully-developed scale, showing arrangement of cavities and vascular tissue. X 4", "Fig.6.-Transverse section of a fully-develope scale, showing arrangement of cavities and vascular tissue. X 4.", "Fig. 6 - Transverse section of a fully-developed scale, showing arrangement of cavities and vascular tissue. X 4."]; Coordinates: [804, 1008, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "text"=>["Longitudinal section of scale, illustrating the method of the folding back of the lamina, and the formation thereby of the longitudinal cavities", "Fig. 7.-Longitudinal section of scale, illustrating the method of the folding back of the lamina, and the formation thereby of the longitudinal cavities. X 12.", "Fig.7 - Longitudinal section of scale, illustrating the method of folding back of the lamina , and the formation thereby of the longitudinal cavities. X 17.", "Fig. 7-Longitudinal section of scale,illustarting themethod of the folding back of the lamina and formation thereby of the longitudinal cavities. X12", "Fig 7.- Longitudinal section of scale, illustrating the method of the folding back of the lamina and the formation thereby of the longitudinal cavities. X12"]


Coordinates: [0, 0, 477, 345, 419, 241], Details: "keywords"=>["transverse section", "scale", "cavities", "vascular tissue", "leaf", "section", "plant leaves", "South Kent", "plant", "squamaria", "Squamaria", "Scales", "Leaf", "toothwort", "Lathraea", "morphology", "woodland plant", "scales"]; Coordinates: [0, 0, 473, 600, 433, 445], Details: "keywords"=>["longitudinal section", "scale", "lamina", "longitudinal cavities", "leaf", "section", "South Kent", "plant", "transverse section", "squamaria", "Longitudnal", "Fan shaped scale", "Leaf", "toothwort", "Lathraea", "morphology", "woodland plant", "scales"]; Coordinates: [0, 0, 473, 344, 441, 722], Details: "keywords"=>["Scale"]



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