Hardwicke Science Gossip, v. 24 (1888), Page 129, ASC00000we
posted on 2023-02-06, 17:22 authored by Science Gossip‘Science Gossip’ is born from a collaboration between an Arts and Humanities Research Council project in the UK, called ‘Constructing Scientific Communities: Citizen Science in the 19th and 21st Centuries’ (ConSciCom) and the Missouri Botanical Garden who are providing content from the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL).
Constructing Scientific Communities: Citizen Science in the 19th and 21st Centuries
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Hardwicke Science GossipYear
v. 24 (1888)Page
Page 129Inscription
Coordinates: [656, 692, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "text"=>["Fig 50-Section at St. Erth (after Messrs. Kendall and Bell).", "Elvan Dyke", "Elvan Dyke.", "Fig. 50. - Section at St. Erth (after Messrs. Kendall and Bell).", "Fig. 50. Section at St.Erth (after Messrs. Kendall and Bell).", "Fig 30 - Section at St. Erth", "Fine quartzose sand, 10 feet", "Fine quartzes sand, 10 feet.", "Elvan dyke.", "Blue clay, with fossils, 6 feet", "Quartz-pebbles", "Blue clay, with fossils, 6 feet.", "Quartz pebbles.", "Pliocene seriesSt. Erth", "Quartz-pebbles.", "Yellow sand, 4-6 feet", "\"Growder\"", "Yellow clay, 6 feet", "Yellow sand, 4-6 feet.", "\"Growder.\"", "Yellow clay, 6 feet.", "PLIOCENE SERIES ", "PLIOCENE SERIES", "Pliocene Series", "Vegetable soil", "\"Head\" 2-6 feet", "Vegetable soil.", "\"Head,\" 2-6 feet.", "Vegetable Soil"]Drawing
Coordinates: [0, 0, 457, 442, 419, 532], Details: "keywords"=>["St. Erth", "Cornwall", "Pliocene series", "geology", "earth", "layers of soil", "cross section of earth sample", "Illustrated line drawing showing cross section of soil bed at St Erth", "Pliocene", "St.Erth", "soil", "fine quartzose sand", "pliocene series", "pliocene beds", "vegetable soil", "sand", "yellow", "clay", "pebble", "pliocene", "quartz", "quartzose", "elvan", "Section of St. Erth", "rock"]Contributor
Coordinates: [794, 960, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "name"=>["Messrs. Kendall and Bell", "Kendall", "Bell"], "role"=>["other"]PageID
1672060Classification No
17Image Scale
0.391061Usage metrics
pliocenecornwallSt. ErthCornwallPliocene seriesgeologyearthlayers of soilThe Pliocene Beds of Cornwallsoilstratificationstratigraphical geologyfossilsPliocene Cornwallcross section of earth sampleIllustrated line drawing showing cross section of soil bed at St ErthGeology Section at St ErthPlioceneSt.Erthfine quartzose sandground cross sectionpliocene seriespliocene bedsvegetable soilsandyellowclaypebblequartzquartzoseelvanSection of St. Erthrock
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