University of Oxford

Hardwicke Science Gossip, v. 16 (1880), Page 84, ASC000044d

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posted on 2023-02-06, 17:19 authored by Science Gossip
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Hardwicke Science Gossip




v. 16 (1880)


Page 84


Coordinates: [458, 677, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "common"=>["fungi - various", ""], "scientific"=>["", "Spharia herbarum", "Sphaeria herbarum", "Cynophallus caninus", "Dothidea filicina", "Sphaeria herbarium", "Spharia rostellata", "Nectria cinnabarina", "Calocera viscosa", "Sphaeria rostellata", "Sphaeria rostellata ", "Stemonitis fusca", "Sphaeria acuta", "Spheria acuta", "Penicillium crustaceum", "Aspergillus glaucus"]


Coordinates: [153, 900, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "text"=>["Fig. 56. --Illustrations of small Fungi. 1, Cynophallus caninus (natural size); 2, Ascus containing sporidia of Sphaeria herbarium, a, a, paraphyses (magnified); 3, Sporidium if Sphaeria herbarium more highly magnified; 4, Perithecium of Sphaeria rostellata (magnified); 5, Ascus and sporidia of Sphaeria rostellata (magnified); 6, Sporidium if Sphaeria rostellata more highly magnified; 7, Dothidea filicina (natural size); 8, Sporidia of Dothidea filicina (highly magnified); 9, Sphaeria rostellata (natural size);10, Calocera viscosa (natural size); 11, Spore of Calocera viscosa (Highly magnified).", "5", "6", "4"]; Coordinates: [183, 425, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "text"=>["8", "1", "Illustration of small fungi", "a'", "a", "2"]; Coordinates: [578, 875, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "text"=>["10", "12", "Fig. 57. -- Illustrations of smaller fungi. 1, Nectria cinnabarina (natural size); 2, Section of conidia of Nectria cinnabarina; 3, Section of ascophhore of Nectria cinnabarina (magnified); 4, Ascus and sporidia from Nectria cinnabarina (magnified); 5, Sporidium (highly magnified); 6. Stemonitis fusca (natural size); 7, Stemonitis fusca (magnified); 8, Portion of network springing from stem (magnified); 9, Spores (magnified); 10, Aspergillus glaucus (magnified); 11, Penicillium crustaceum (magnified); 12, Plant of Sphaeria acuta (magnified); 13, Section of Sphaeria acuta, (magnified); 14, Ascus and sporidia from Sphaeria acuta (highly magnified); 15, Sphaeria acuta (natural size).", "15", "13", "11"]; Coordinates: [632, 499, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "text"=>["9", "7", "6", "8", "3", "1"]


Coordinates: [0, 0, 25, 321, 449, 818], Details: "keywords"=>["Fungi", "various", "spores", "description", "magnified", "life-sized", "sections", "fungus", "Cynophallus caninus", "Sphaeria herbarium", "Sphaeria rostellata", "Dothidea filicina", "Calocera viscosa", "fungi"]; Coordinates: [0, 0, 467, 178, 434, 1054], Details: "keywords"=>["fungus", "description", "Nectria cinnabarina", "Stemonitis fusca", "Aspergillus glaucus", "Penicillium crustaceum", "Sphaeria acuta", "fungi"]; Coordinates: [0, 0, 315, 358, 96, 238], Details: "keywords"=>["fungus", "fungi"]; Coordinates: [0, 0, 136, 900, 110, 85], Details: "keywords"=>["fungus", "fungi"]; Coordinates: [0, 0, 447, 879, 115, 83], Details: "keywords"=>["fungus", "fungi"]; Coordinates: [0, 0, 615, 468, 108, 151], Details: "keywords"=>["fungus", "fungi"]; Coordinates: [0, 0, 605, 242, 180, 137], Details: "keywords"=>["fungus", "fungi"]



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