University of Oxford

Hardwicke Science Gossip, v. 10 (1874), Page 181, ASC000017f

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Hardwicke Science Gossip




v. 10 (1874)


Page 181


Coordinates: [194, 636, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "common"=>["", "spider", "House spider", "Spider"], "scientific"=>["Tegenaria domestica"]; Coordinates: [395, 1207, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "common"=>[""], "scientific"=>["Tegenaria domestica"]; Coordinates: [662, 681, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "common"=>["", "Tegenaria domestica", "blank", "Spider", "House spider"], "scientific"=>["Tegenaria domestica", "", "blank", "T. domestica"]; Coordinates: [255, 947, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "common"=>["tegenaria domestica", "Spider", ""], "scientific"=>["", "Tegenaria domestica"]; Coordinates: [194, 395, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "common"=>["Tegenaria domestica", "", "blank"], "scientific"=>["", "Tegenaria domestica", "blank"]


Coordinates: [334, 650, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "text"=>["Fig. 118. Web of Tegenaria domestica, x 150. aa, first threads; bb, second ditto; cc, third ditto.", "Web of Tegenaria domestica, z150; aa, first threads; bb, second ditto; cc, third ditto.", "Fig. 118. WEb of Tegenaria domestica, x 150, aa, first threads; bb, second ditto; cc, third ditto."]; Coordinates: [271, 1228, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "text"=>["Fig. 119. Under Spinneret, with glands attached, of Tegenaria domestica, x 38. a, common silk-tubes; bb, ducts; cc, glands; d, silk-tube of unusual size.", "Fig 119. Under Spinneret with glands attached of Tegenaria domestica, x 38. a, common silk-tube; bb, ducts; cc, glands; d, silk-tube of unusual size.", "Fig. 119. Under-Spinneret, with glands attached, of Tegenaria domestica, x 38. a, common silk-tubes ; bb, ducts ; cc, glands ; d, silk-tube of unusual size.", "Fig. 119. Under Spinneret, with Glands attachedm of Tegenaria domestica, x 38, a, common silk-tubes; bb, ducts; c, Glands; d, silk-tube of unusual size."]; Coordinates: [763, 528, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "text"=>["Fig. 120. a and b, silk-tubes of first and third spinnerets of T. domestica.", "Fig.120. a. and b., silk-tubes of first and third spinnerets of T. domestica", "Fig. 120, a and b, silk-tubes of first and third spinnerets of T. domestica."]; Coordinates: [667, 970, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "text"=>["Fig. 121. Silk-tube, duct, and gland of the first spinnerets of T. domestica, x 38.", "Figure 121. SIlk-tube, duct, and gland of the first spinnerests of T. domestica, x39", "Fig. 121. Silk-tube, duct, and Gland of the first spiennerets of T. domestica, x 38.", "Fig.121. Silk-tube, duct, and gland of the first spinneret of T. domestica, X 38.", "Fig. 122. Gland of third spinners, a, gland; b, bag or case; cc, coating of epithelial cells.", "Fig. 122. Gland of third spin-ers, a, gland ; b, bag or case; ee, conting of epithe-lial cells.", "Fig.122.Gland of the spinners, a. gland; b bag or case;cc, coating of epithelial cells", "Fig. 122. Gland of third spiners, a, Gland; b, bag or case; cc, coating of epithelial cells."]


Coordinates: [0, 0, 268, 426, 0, 0], Details: "keywords"=>["web", "first threads", "second threads", "third threads", "Tegenaria", "Tegenaria domestica"]; Coordinates: [0, 0, 37, 217, 413, 453], Details: "keywords"=>["spider", "web", "spider web", "threads", "web construction", "spiders", "spider webs", "spinnerets", "thread", "entomology", "magnified", "T. domestica", "spiders' webs", "Silk tubes"]; Coordinates: [0, 0, 607, 245, 255, 311], Details: "keywords"=>["silk-tubes", "spinnerets", "spider", "silk tube", "spinners", "spiders ", "silk apparatus", "tegenaria domestica", "spinner", "silk-tube", "spinneret", "entomology", "magnified", "threads", "web", "T. domestica", "spiders' webs", "Spider silk tubes"]; Coordinates: [0, 0, 648, 567, 215, 441], Details: "keywords"=>["spider", "gland", "spinner", "of", "third", "spinners", "epithelial cells", "silk apparatus", "tegenaria domestica", "entomology", "magnified", "threads", "glands", "web", "T. domestica", "spinnerets", "spiders' webs", "Gland"]; Coordinates: [0, 0, 457, 237, 194, 759], Details: "keywords"=>["spider", "silk-tube", "duct", "gland", "spinners", "silk", "silk tube", "spiders", "silk apparatus", "tegenaria domestica", "Tube", "spinneret", "entomology", "magnified", "threads", "glands", "web", "spinnerets", "T. domestica", "spiders' webs ", "Spider silk"]; Coordinates: [0, 0, 39, 680, 407, 576], Details: "keywords"=>["spider", "under spinneret", "spinneret", "glands", "spinner gland", "silk", "internal anatomy", "spiders", "spider webs", "spinnerets", "silk apparatus", "tegenaria domestica", "gland", "silk-tube", "duct", "entomology", "magnified", "threads", "web", "T. domestica", "spiders' webs", "Spider Spinneret"]



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