University of Oxford

Dublin Disease Map 1931

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posted on 2023-05-06, 19:40 authored by Emily Webster, Samantha VanderslottSamantha Vanderslott

Map of the typhoid / enteric fever death rates per 10,000 people by registration district

Statistical information on occupation, neighborhood mortality rates, and population: Reports of the Chief Medical Officer of Health for the City of Dublin, 1880-1940. Dublin Corporation Reports &c. Dublin City Library and Archive. Dublin, Ireland. AND 

Dublin County Council, Annual report of the county medical officer of health, County Dublin, on the health and sanitary conditions of the county. (Dublin : Cahill & Co., 1934-1937). BB7499. National Library of Ireland.

Shellfish Outfalls and Sewer Lines data:  

Browne, TJ. Report on the Shell-Fish Layings on the Irish Coast, As Respects their Liability to Sewage Contamination. Dublin: Alexander Thom & Co., 1904.


Typhoid, Cockles, and Terrorism: The turbulent history of Anglo-Irish typhoid control in revolutionary Dublin

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Map of Sewer Lines / Outfalls, Shellfish Beds & Average Deaths per 10000, 1882-1940