University of Oxford

Saxon Era - Learning Resources (Corhampton Saxon Church)

Version 2 2022-12-14, 12:46
Version 1 2022-12-09, 18:03
educational resource
posted on 2022-12-14, 12:46 authored by Woruldhord Project Team

In 2010, the Friends of Corhampton Saxon Church and Meonstoke Infant School organised a Saxon learning day for the eighty pupils at the school. This was followed by the 1st Saxon Festival in the Meon Valley Since the 11th Century. We were supported by Droxford Junior School, Saxon era historical and cultural experts and enthusiasts from Winchester City Council Museum Services, Winchester Cathedral education department, Winchester College, Hampshire Archives & Local Studies and Hampshire Wardrobe. In addition local farmers, Gill & Bruce Horn, on whose land a Saxon cemetery and village were discovered in the 1980s shared artefacts from the excavation. Details of the learning resources used at these events are attached to this submission. Additional information about the two events is included in additional submissions. Meonstoke School and Corhampton Saxon Church are 15 miles from Wintonceastre (Winchester), the capital of the Saxon kingdom of Wessex and of Saxon England. They are located on opposite banks of the River Meon which runs from East Meon on the South Downs, through the Meon Valley to the Solent at Titchfield Haven. The River Meon formed the boundary between the West Saxons (Wessex) and the South Saxons (Sussex). It gave its name, which derives from a Celtic word meaning 'swift one', to the Meonwara (or Meonsæte) the people of Jutish origin who colonised the East bank of the River in the 5th & 6th century. The Church, which was built in 1020, when Cnute was King of Wessex and England, has been a place of Christian worship for over 1000 years. Excavations in the 20th century led to the discovery close to the Church of Saxon/Jutish cemeteries and a Saxon village. The Friends of Corhampton Church, again working with local schools and Saxon heritage organisations followed the school learning day with the first Saxon festival for over 1000 years, held in July 2010 (see separate submission). Additional information about Corhampton Saxon Church and the 1000 year old Yew Tree in the graveyard can be found in a separate submission and at You can also sign-up at this website to become a 'Friend' to ensure the future of this Saxon icon and to support & participate in future festivals, education and exploratory activities.


Date Created



1020 AD

Temporal Coverage



Linda Coumbe, Headteacher Meonstoke Infant School & Peter O'Sullivan, Friend of Corhampton Church


Contributor's own resource

Intended Audience

1. Primary Education (first stage of basic education, c. age 5-11)



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