Stephen James Joyce
Stephen James Joyce was the son of JJ's only son Giorgio and Helen Kastor Fleischman (a New Yorker of German-Jewish heritage). Family difficulties meant that Stephen spent time from 1938 to 1941 with his grandparents in Paris and Zurich, and later with Nora, until in 1946 he went to the USA for his education. He married Solange Raythchine in 1955 and worked for about 30 years for the OECD in Paris, retiring in 1991.
All his life he "defended the legacy of the Joyce family in literary and personal terms," keeping an iron grip on JJ's printed work and impeding research on unpublished manuscripts and letters ("Stephen Joyce, 87, Fierce Protector of Grandfather's Literary Legacy, Dies," New York Times [8 February 2020]: B13). Tim O'Neill
James Joyces Unpublished Letters: A Digital Edition and Text-Genetic Study.
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