Friend of JJ in Zurich. Born in Austria, he moved to Zurich in 1903 and married Gemma Weiss (a sister of JJ's friend Ottocaro Weiss) in 1913. Goldschmidt met JJ in 1916 and, as a member of a "Hilfsverein", an organization established to benefit expatriate citizens from Austro-Hungary, in November 1917 he supplied an office typewriter that Claud Sykes used to type JJ's up the early episodes of Ulysses. This inspired JJ's dubious gesture of appreciation in the parodic poem, "A Goldschmidt Swam in a Kriegsverein" (Gorman 248-49) Goldschmidt later emigrated to the United States, where he lived for years in New York. William Brockman
James Joyces Unpublished Letters: A Digital Edition and Text-Genetic Study.