Version 3 2025-01-02, 13:14Version 3 2025-01-02, 13:14
Version 2 2024-09-11, 18:48Version 2 2024-09-11, 18:48
Version 1 2024-09-10, 16:24Version 1 2024-09-10, 16:24
posted on 2025-01-02, 13:14authored byFabian ReitzugFabian Reitzug, Narcis B. Kabatereine, Anatoli Maranda Byaruhanga, Fred Besigye, Betty Nabatte, Goylette F. Chami
This document contains demo data to rerun the analysis pipeline described in:
“Current water contact and Schistosoma mansoni infection have distinct determinants: a data-driven population-based study in rural Uganda” by Fabian Reitzug, Narcis B. Kabatereine, Anatol M. Byaruhanga, Fred Besigye, Betty Nabatte, Goylette F. Chami
df_demo.RDS a demo survey dataset with fictitious data created by looping over the variable labels in the data dictionary. The demo data contains all variables needed for running the analysis pipeline.
dfwc_demo.RDS a demo water contact observation with fictitious data needed to reproduce Supplementary Figure 11.
bas-out directory which contains outputs from Bayesian variable selection, run on the raw data, which need to be loaded to obtain variable sets used in the main analyses.
A DPhil scholarship was awarded from the Nuffield Department of Population Health (NDPH) to F.R. Grants from the Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund (204826/Z/16/Z), NDPH Pump Priming Fund, John Fell Fund, Robertson Foundation Fellowship, and UKRI EPSRC Award (EP/X021793/1) were awarded to G.F.C.